Give Hope Team

Women’s Prison Ministry

Making an eternal change in the lives of incarcerated females

  • To provide in-person Bible seminars to women in jails or prisons. We facilitate these with the help of Dvds and workbooks.
  • To encourage churches to not only give and support prison ministry but also send volunteers with us!
  • To build relationships with correctional chaplains so we can come alongside them as they minister to the women in their units.
  • To provide materials for Faith-based programs in prisons and jails.

(testimonies from women behind bars)

“You guys were absolutely amazing!! Thanks to you I see God working for the better in my life. You have set me on that trail!”

“I have learned so much about myself and God. I’ve learned why my life has been so chaotic and unmanageable. But I’ve also learned how to take it all to God so that I can live freely and happily for Him…thank you so much for helping save my life.”

  • To connect with women coming out of correctional settings and provide them with healthy friends.
  • To facilitate home-Bible studies with women from all walks of life (affected by incarceration or not) and build relationships.
  • To encourage and equip churches and provide resources to become more hospitable to ex-felons reentering society.
About Us

Our story began in August 2018, when three young ladies (pictured above on the left) were blessed financially and prayed over to go where God would lead them in prison ministry. It wasn’t their first trip ministering in prisons, but before that point they had been self-supported and taken each step slowly. That evening at a small church in northern Indiana, God used His children to send these three gals out on an incredible journey of watching God work. The funding provided by that one love-offering supported their travels for almost a whole year! By then, God had expanded the vision and the support base to include many people and prayer warriors scattered across the United States. (Want to pray for us? Shoot us an email with you email address and we will add you!)

Today, the Give Hope Team looks slightly different than it used to as some of the team members have moved on and we currently support other women as well, but our mission remains the same: giving Hope to women behind bars. Hope has a name. And His name is JESUS.

Get In Touch

P. O. Box 2383 Conway, AR 72033 or email us below!